Appendix C
Informed Consent Form
Insert date.
Dear (insert name here).
Informed Consent
Your consent to participate in the study titled Critical media and digital literacies in the open educational practices of Canadian teacher educators: A post-intentional phenomenology is completely voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time up to and including the data collection phase of this research. I have prepared a short video as a way to introduce myself and provide information about this research project [link to video:].
Once you have reviewed the video and the Letter of Information for Research Participation documentation, and are interested in participating, kindly return the signed informed consent for participation via email to me at Subsequently, I will review the consent form with you at the time of the interview.
To indicate your informed consent, please initial each of the statements below, then sign and date the letter before returning it by email.
- I have read and understood the information for the study as provided in the Letter of Information for Research Participation documentation and as outlined in the video information about this research project.
- I agree to participate in phase one of the research [interview].
- I agree to participate in phase two of the research [reflective artifact production].
- I understand that I am a volunteer and can withdraw from the study at any time, and may choose not to answer any question.
- I understand the potential risks and/or benefits of the study, and what those may mean for my open educational practice.
- I understand that the interview will be video recorded and transcribed using web applications.
- I understand that the interview transcript and subsequent media artifact, as well as the research findings, will be made available to me. These will be emailed along with any URL links to be shared in order to communicate the research analysis and outcomes.
- I understand that my research data and analysis may be shared with the PhD candidate’s supervisor and committee members for the purpose of monitoring and guidance.
- I understand that the data I provide will be securely stored at Lakehead University for a period of five years.
- I understand that I can receive a summary of the project, upon request, following the completion of the project, by calling or emailing for a copy.
- I understand that my participation will remain anonymous in any publications or public presentations of research findings unless I explicitly agree to have my identity revealed.
- Revealing my identity will follow the explicit conditions and parameters agreed to in writing prior to web or presentation publication.
- I acknowledge, that by consenting to participate, I have not waived any rights to legal recourse in the event of research-related harm.
YES / NO (circle or highlight one) - I will provide written permission for the allowance of identification of my participant as warranted and directed.
YES / NO (circle or highlight one) – I agree to the audio/video recording and subsequent transcription of the interview for the purposes of this research.
eMail: (if different than the one where you received the recruitment information and informed consent form).
Contact information: Helen DeWaard can be contacted at any time by email [redacted], by direct message on Twitter [redacted], or by phone at [redacted]. This research is being conducted under the supervision of Dr. Michael Hoechsmann, Associate Professor, Lakehead Faculty of Education, Orillia. You may contact my supervisor by email at [redacted] or by phone at [redacted]. Questions about the research ethics approval: Sue Wright, Research Ethics Board, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay. 807-343-8283 |