Appendix D
Interview Protocol
Introduction and Procedural / setup
I’d like to begin with introductions and extending my thanks for your participation in this research.- Welcome to this digital interview space. I’d like to start by thanking you to consent to participate in my research. As a teacher educator, your voice matters and your experiences are important. I hope this research will provide you with an opportunity to share your unique perspectives on open educational practices with a focus on your lived experiences of becoming media and digital literate.
- Thank you for signing and returning the consent form. Did you have an opportunity to watch the brief video I prepared as a way to welcome you to this research? Do you have any questions before we begin the interview?
- You are reminded that you can withdraw from this research at any time. If you do decide to withdraw, your data and information will be deleted and not considered for the final research dissertation report or future publication.
- This interview will be recorded, with the audio and video becoming part of the data gathering that will inform this research. Do you consent to the recording of today’s interview?
- As part of my commitment to you as a participant in this research, you will be provided with a full transcript of this interview, as well as a graphic rendering of the transcript that I will create using word cloud software and concept mapping software. You are also able to withdraw from this research and this interview at any time.
- Personal Background - prior to each interview I will attempt to find out as much information about each faculty member’s work-related experiences to help frame the interview conversation. I will frame and ask the following questions regarding their background.
- Describe any other relevant professional experiences that would help me understand your professional background that influences your open educational practice (which we will explore in the next part of the interview).
- Tell me a little bit about the context in which you teach i.e. describe the courses you teach, the classrooms, the lived experience of teaching?
- I’d like to get to know a bit about you as a teacher educator in XXX faculty of education. Can you please briefly describe your academic career as a faculty member such as your years of teaching, institutions where you have worked, and/or your speciality areas as a teacher educator.
- Alternative prompt: Could you please tell me your story about your experiences thus far as a teacher educator at [name of university] (Mian, 2007).
- Open Educational Practices - I’d like to focus now on your open educational practices as a teacher educator. One of the reasons you have been approached to participate in this research is for the evident nature of sharing your educational practices in social media and comments or connections to the field of open education.
- Can you share and confirm for me a brief list of the spaces and places where your open educational practices could be evidenced? e.g. blog, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Academia, Research Gate, ORCID, Google Scholar
- Can you tell me a little bit about your interest in the open education?
- How would you define or describe your open educational practice?
- Can you describe any of the people, events, or other writing that has influenced your open educational interests and/or commitment to open educational practice?
- How has the field of open education shaped your teaching practice?
- From your lived experiences in open education, what are some of the core assumptions, beliefs, guiding philosophies and/or theories that inform your open educational practices?
- What do you believe are some of the essential core tenets or non-negotiable aspects that constitute open educational practices?
- Alternative prompts: How might you define or describe your open educational practices? In what ways does your teaching and learning model open educational practices?
- Media and Digital Literacies - Let’s focus next on the area of media and digital literacies, since you’ve mentioned a few items relevant to MDL in your previous responses.
- Can you talk a bit more about what you mentioned earlier (refer to …. From comments in OEPr section).
- When and how have you developed your media literacies? Your digital literacies?
- How would you describe your media and digital literacy experiences with focus on what key elements of media and digital literacies are important or critical in your OEPr.
- Describe your lived experience in weaving these MDL into your OEPr.
- Alternative prompts: How might you define or describe media literacy? How might you define or describe digital literacy? In what ways does you teaching and learning include media and digital literacies?
- Challenges and Barriers to MDL within OEPr - You’ve mentioned a few things in your responses about the challenges you’ve faced and some of the barriers you’ve encountered in your teaching as they relate to MDL and OEPr.
- Can you tell me a bit more about ….. that you mentioned earlier.
- How have these challenges and barriers influenced your MDL? Your OEPr?
- Describe a bit more about your lived experiences and potentially some of the negotiations you’ve made in your MDL that have shaped your OEPr.
- Can you tell me a bit more about ….. that you mentioned earlier.
- Do you have any additional thoughts or questions as a result of this interview?
Concluding the Interview
I really appreciate the time you have taken to share your story, your lived experiences in MDL and OEPr with me. I’d like to give you the opportunity to think about this interview and take a moment if there is anything you would like to revisit or anything else you’d like to add.If not, I’d like to thank you for spending time and sharing your story with me. In recognition and being very aware of the value of this time, I’d like to offer you a $25 Chapters / Indigo gift card that will be emailed to you in the next week.
As a followup to this interview, I hope you will take another hour or two in the coming weeks, to reflect on your MDL within your OEPr in light of a few frameworks that outline elements of MDL and OEPr. I will forward some possible MDL and OEPr frameworks to you by email following this interview.
Within two weeks from today, I hope you can return to me a personal and/or professional reflection about your MDL within your OEPr as informed by these frameworks. This reflection can take the form of any media production of your chosing – a written reflection, graphic rendering such as an image or infographic, an audio response, or a video production. The focus of this reflection should be on your lived experiences of MDL within your OEPr. This reflection will allow me to envision your story of becoming media and digitally literate and becoming an open educational practitioner. This reflection will add to the data gathering for this research.
Also, in the coming days, I will email you a summary transcript of this interview along with a graphic rendering of the transcript, done as either a word cloud, a concept map, or both (if time permits). This will give you some time to review the transcript for accuracy and ensure I have a correctly captured the story of your lived experiences. This may also help you in the reflection artifact that I’m asking you to create.
I’ll also remind you that you can withdraw from this research at any time and you can request that any information you have provided can be removed from this research, prior to the final dissertation report writing of the findings. Please let me know by email or phone call, if you would like to withdraw your participation.
Do you have any final questions or comments? If not, again, thank you so very much for your participation in this research. I hope that together we can illuminate the MDL that teacher educators apply to their OEPr. I look forward to seeing your reflection artifact.