Into the Labyrinth : A PhD Comprehensive Portfolio

Conceptual Frameworks

     The conceptual framework is a logical structure applied to the theoretical concepts, assumptions and beliefs relevant to the research (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). The conceptual framework explores the methodology, methods, validity, and ethics sections as reflected through the theoretical lenses previously outlined. "Conceptual tools ... reflect the cumulative wisdom of the culture in which they are used, and experience of individuals. Their meaning is not invariant but a product of negotiation within the community" (Seely Brown et al., 1989). While the conceptual tools laid out for consideration in this comprehensive portfolio literature review are reflective of the conceptual frameworks examined to date, I resist attempts to "impose a single, umbrella-like paradigm over the entire project" since there is no unified qualitative or ethnographic distinction and the "ethnographer works within 'hybrid' reality" (Denzin, 2017, p. 10). At this early stage of my PhD research I attempt to "move forward into new spaces, into new identities, new relationships, and new radical forms of scholarship" (Denzin, 2017, p. 14). With this being said, I now examine the methodology, methods, validity, and ethical considerations for my PhD research. I explicitly examine how these align within the theoretical frameworks shared here.

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