Open Education
- open educational resources (Bayne, Knox, & Ross, 2015; Rolfe, 2012; Weller, 2014; Wiley, Bliss, & McEwen, 2014),
- open scholarship (Stewart, 2015; Veletsianos & Kimmons, 2012; Weller, 2016),
- the open education movement (Alevizou, 2015; Bayne et al., 2015; Farrow, 2016; Noddings & Enright, 1983; Rolfe, 2017),
- open pedagogies (Armellini & Nie, 2013; Cronin & MacLaren, 2018; Ehlers, 2011; Hegarty, 2015), and
- open education practices (Couros, 2010; Paskevicius, 2017; Paskevicius & Irvine, 2019; Roberts, Blomgren, Ishmael, Graham, & Ferdig, 2018; Roberts, 2019; Stagg, 2017).