Research Questions
In this research, OEPr are explored through teacher educators’ participatory, collaborative, networked, shared, and public-facing educational practices (Cronin & MacLaren, 2018; Gur et al., 2019; Lohnes Watulak et al., 2018). Current research in the field of OEPr fails to clearly identify the critical role played by media and digital literacies (Bozkurt et al., 2019; Cronin, 2017) which prompts the question of how critical media and digital literacies impact teacher educators’ OEPr?
- How do teacher educators define open educational practices (OEPr)?
- What are the lived OEPr experiences of teacher educators, as evidenced in the ethos and stories of their networked, connected, collaborative, openly accessible, digital and media infused teaching practice?
- How do critical media and digital literacies inform or shape OEPr, from the perspective of teacher educators?
Bozkurt, A., Koseoglu, S., & Singh, L. (2019). An analysis of peer reviewed publications on openness in education in half a century: Trends and patterns in the open hemisphere. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(4). Retrieved from
Cronin, C. (2017). Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices in higher education. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(5).
Cronin, C., & MacLaren, I. (2018). Conceptualising OEP: A review of theoretical and empirical literature in open educational practices. Open Praxis, 10(2), 127–143.
Nascimbeni, F., & Burgos, D. (2016). In search for the open educator: Proposal of a definition and a framework to Increase openness adoption among university educators. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(6).
Paskevicius, M. (2017). Conceptualizing open educational practices through the lens of constructive alignment. Open Praxis, 9(2), 125–140.
Pink, S., Horst, H., Postill, J., Hjorth, L., Lewis, T., & Tacchi, J. (2015). Digital ethnography: Principles and practices. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.
Tur, G., Havemann, L., Marsh, D., Keefer, J. M., & Nascimbeni, F. (2020). Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework. Research in Learning Technology, 28.
Watulak, S. L., Woodard, R., Smith, A., Johnson, L., Phillips, N., & Wargo, K. (2018). Connected Teaching and Learning in K-16+ Contexts: An Annotated Bibliography. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(2), 289–312.