Media and digital literacies in Canadian teacher educators’ open educational practices: A post-intentional phenomenology

Black Box - glossary item

When considering technologies and the artifacts created using electronic technologies, there are elements that are hidden and unseen. They occur, as if there is a 'black box' taking input from one side of the box, completing some hidden operation on that input, and creating some form of output. These 'black box' processes, organizations, affordances, and experiences determine how human-technology interactions occur or are sustained. Kallinikos (2002) explored the issues relating to the "internal constitution of particular technologies" and the hidden premises that "govern the human- technology interaction" (p. 290). Kallinkos (2002) argued that "once constructed, such forms matter and they matter a lot. The closure or openness of artifacts and the premises by which they admit human participation are heavily contingent on the way they are internally organized as systems" (p. 290.

Kallinikos, J. (2002). Reopening the black box of technology artifacts and human agency. International Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain.

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