Media and digital literacies in Canadian teacher educators’ open educational practices: A post-intentional phenomenology

FoE - glossary item

Within higher education organizations in most jurisdictions in Canada, the study of teaching and learning is conducted in a faculty of education (FoE). These are sometimes or otherwise designated as colleges of education, teacher initiation programs, or education studies. In Canada, FoE fall under provincial jurisdiction and are thus funded and governed by provincial level departments. FoE programs run for one to two years, The FoE program includes specific subject content, structures, field experiences and partnerships (Kitchen & Petrarca, 2022) depending on provincial directives.  

In Ontario, the FoE program is a requirement for certification from the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) to teach in the K-12 jurisdiction. While "academies, and apprenticeship models abound elsewhere, the legislative changes made by the province and the OCT reinforced the role of the university in teacher preparation while at the same time highlighting the importance of field experience" (Kitchen & Petrarca, 2017, p. ix).

Kitchen, J., & Petrarca, D. (2022). Initial teacher education in Ontario: The four-semester teacher education programs after five years. Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE).

Petrarca, D., & Kitchen, J. (2017). Initial teacher education in Ontario: The first year of four-semester teacher education programs (Vol. 9). Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Canadian Society for Studies in Education.


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