emirec - glossary item
The term emirec represents a person who both encodes and decodes (emits and receives) media and communicated messages (Aparici & Garcia-Martin, 2018; Hoechsmann, 2019). This is contrasted to Toffler's (1980) conception of people as prosumers - producers and consumers, which has an economic or capitalistic stance (Aparici & Garcia-Martin, 2018) . Emirec is considered more closely connected to communicative endeavours (Hoechsmann, 2019).
Aparici, R., & García-Marín, D. (2018). Prosumers and emirecs: Analysis of two confronted theories. Comunicar, 26(55), 71–79. https://doi.org/10.3916/C55-2018-07
Hoechsmann, M. (2019). Pedagogy, precarity, and persuasion: The case for re/mix literacies. The International Journal of Critical Media Literacy, 93–101.