Media and digital literacies in Canadian teacher educators’ open educational practices: A post-intentional phenomenology

Hupomnemata - glossary item

As posited by Foucault (1983), hupomnemata forms an artifactual record of things individuals read, hear, or think, composing the shape and form of the self (Weisgerber & Butler, 2016). (Mewburn & Thomson, 2018) Mewburn and Thomson describe hupomnemata as a form of self-writing where academic blogs are forms of personal reflections, “a bricolage of diverse ideas, heterogeneous events and scattered readings” (p. 22) where posts are both notebook and/or correspondence. 

Mewburn, I., & Thomson, P. (2018). Towards an academic self? Blogging during the doctorate. In D. Lupton, I. Mewburn, & P. Thomson (Eds.), The digital academic: Critical perspectives on digital technologies in higher education (pp. 20–35). Routledge.

Weisgerber, C., & Butler, S. H. (2016). Curating the soul: Foucault’s concept of hupomnemata and the digital technology of self-care. Information, Communication & Society, 19(10), 1340–1355.


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