Into the Labyrinth : A PhD Comprehensive Portfolio

Appendix B: Funding Applications

Funding Applications

Funding proposals are abbreviated versions of the research proposal and model the development of my academic writing.

Here I share the evolution and iterations in the funding proposals I have written and submitted for SSHRC and OGS. I'll outline some of the shifts and step by step changes in these research proposals.

You'll notice that the question shifted from

Open Landscapes in Faculties of Education in Canada: How are critical literacies informing open educational practices?


Amplifying teaching in faculties of education in Canada: How are critical literacies informing the open educational practices of teacher educators? 
This resulted from research into teacher educators' open educational practices and descriptions of the Teacher Educator Technology Competencies (Foulger et al., 2017). This rethinking is attributable to readings and writing done in the Doctoral Seminar 2 and Research Colloquium courses. 

Likewise, the bibliography submitted with the SSHRC application shifted in focus from the 2018 to 2019 submissions.


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